
Senin, September 20, 2010

a MenTaL or BehavioraL iLLness

Depression (Unipolar Depressive Disorder)
An illness characterized by lackluster energy and a general lack of interest in life. Often recurrent or even chronic. Poor self-esteem, a sense of sadness, dejection or hopelessness without any clear cause, suicidal thoughts. Treated with antidepressant medications such as Prozac and/or psychotherapy, through which patients can learn to overcome—among other things—their negative self-image.

Manic Depression (Bipolar Affective Disorder)
Alternating bouts of mania and depression. Feeling dramatically more active, confident and sociable, then depressed or intensely irritable; delusions. Treated: Mainly by mood-stabilizing drugs such as lithium or anticonvulsants such as sodium valproate (Depakote) and carbamazepine (Tegretol).

A psychotic disorder that severely alters the way a person usually thinks and behaves. Hallucinations, delusions, confusion, withdrawal, agitation, emotional numbness. Treated: Therapy, along with antipsychotic drugs. Success rate is fairly high—about 50% of patients can expect a full and lasting recovery.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
A delayed psychological reaction after witnessing or experiencing a highly traumatic event, like a war, natural disaster or a violent physical assault. Anxiety, flashbacks, recurring nightmares, emotional numbness, chest pain. Treated: Therapy, in which patients talk through the traumatic event, helping them accept the incident and regain control. New antidepressant drugs can also relieve symptoms.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Repeated, unwanted thoughts, or unnecessarily repeating actions such as washing hands or counting. Extreme anxiety or depression. Obsessions and compulsions. Treated: Drugs are effective, enabling some 75% of patients to recover. Therapy helps the sufferer confront the problem and alter his or her behavior.

Panic Disorders
Sudden and recurrent attacks of intense fear or panic. Palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, hyperventilation. Fear of being alone or of dying. Therapy involves repeated exposure to the patient's anxiety or fear in order to change his or her thinking patterns and actions. Medication might also be prescribed.

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